Every thing you need to know about Puriya Puriya is family owned company with a long history of using natural products based on scientific tests and has been result based since conception The word “puriya” means a melody that is pleasing. This is the basic philosophy that the company revolves around. Most of puriyas products are pleasing to the skin for one (although they are all effective) hence the name puriya. To check out more information on Puriya creams click here The company is particularly known for its use of natural ingredients. Nature is one of the most effective sources of nourishment for the body no matter how you cut it. However you can through one hundred different natural ingredients at the body and then receive little results in return. Puriya strides to put together these natural ingredients in a natural and effective combination that allows these ingredients to take their full effect on the body. Of course ever product has been researched and tested to make sure that they actually do work well. Not only this but the ingredients are highly concentrated in addition. Many other products on the market contain fillers and ineffective additives that simply don’t work. With a culmination of highly concentrated ingredients you can cure infections more quickly with less material. Ultimately the company guarantees you that their products will be of the best quality. The customer reviews that the company has culminated over the years really do speak to its effectiveness. It is most important to note that the company is American. It is somewhat rare for a commercial pharmaceutical company to operate in American and not outsource any other countries for its materials. Now keep in mind that the price you must pay for Puriya is not exactly cheap. That being said you should expect to get the BEST bang for your buck. You will only receive the absolute the highest quality materials for what you pay for and thus, the most effective solution for your health needs. You do really get what you pay for. Puriyas products include… The mother of all creams- This cream is best used for eczema, dermatitis, shingles, rashes and psoriasis. Outlined here is a simple review from puriyas website about the product…. “ ” I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful products. I was searching for eczema treatment, then I started using MOTHER OF ALL CREAMS for an extreme case of eczema on my hands. After using the eczema cream for 3 weeks the problem was corrected. It works so well that I tried it on my sons hands. He plays football at recess in winter without gloves and his knuckles crack and bleed. So, I put on the MOTHER OF ALL CREAM and it has completely healed with couple of applications. The other thing I have noticed is that It also allows wounds to heal quickly and with less scarring. The best over the counter eczema cream.” Judging from the review, the product really is outstanding. I don’t want to say it’s a magic bullet for all your health problems but it truly is an effective solution for just about any skin rashes, infections or other problems of the skin.